Friday 27 June 2014

Day at the Hyuugas!


  1. Okay, I'm a little confused. The first two are meant to be Hinata's Mother only much younger with part one Hinata's hair style? So like a pre-pre-skip Mrs. Hyuuga? while the third seems to be an older Hanabi. Brain.... hurt...
    On the plus side. No More gray!

    1. I think the first one down below is Hinata's mother. The other two are Hanabi. A recent manga chapter of Rock Lee SD shows Hanabi with pre-timeskip Hinata's hairstyle. Given the hair reflection is *solid* in Matt's art, it shows that is Hanabi.

      Also read the 'labels'. 'Hanabi' is listed along with 'mother-in-law' and 'sister-in-law'. ;)

    2. I did read the labels I know what characters are in this. If you actually read the request description on Matt's censor. It clearly states two are of a younger Mother of Hinata with Pre-skip hair style and one is of Hanabi. Also Hanabi's hair style in Rock Lee isn't that close to pre-skip Hinata's. It's longer in the back and pretty much even length all the way around. She doesn't have the bangs, but still has that bit of hair going straight down the center. Also their mother also has *solid* hair reflection as shown in the censor and in past work.

  2. Well done, Matt. I love Hanabi. She looks so cute being gangbanged with that face. XD
